En Huacas siempre hay un doctor y una enfermera a su servicio. Todo nuestro personal es bilingue (ingles-español). Estamos preparados para atender cualquier emergencia.


Estamos comprometidos con los más altos estandares de calidad. Haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para atender su necesidad durante toda la cadena medica.


Staff Profesional

6 medicos y 5 enfermeras
Todos hablan ingles y españolfreemoviexxx.ccfreemoviexxx.ccfreemoviexxx.ccfreemoviexxx.ccfreemoviexxx.cc


Precio Justo

Valor del servicio es igual para todos, no diferenciamos nacional o extranjero


Aceptamos Seguros

Tenemos la capacidad para  chequear su plan de seguros de forma inmediata


Clinica completa

Todo en un solo lugar: Consultorio Medico, Emergencias, Rayos X, Farmacia, Dental y Laboratorio


We Offer Covid Tests

Go to Mipruebacovid.com to fill out the form and email it to covidtest@beachsidecliniccr.com to make an appontment for a test.
Click here for Form tutorial


Contamos con consultorios abiertos las 24 horas, 2 camas de observación, un cuarto para cirugías menores y una sala de shock completamente equipada.


Nuestro equipo es digital, por lo tanto las radiografías las enviamos por correo o teléfono al Radiólogo, Ortopedista o cualquier otro doctor que atienda su caso.


Disponemos de ambulancias de soporte vital totalmente equipadas, disponibles 24 horas para su servicio.


Clínica Huacas Abierta 24/7.

Flamingo L-V 9 am-6pm
Grande L-V 8 am-5pm

Dra. Andrea Messeguer


Desde que tengo memoria, siempre he encontrado alegría en ayudar a los demás, pasar tiempo con la gente, pero sobre todo ayudar a las personas en tiempos difíciles me impulsa de muchas maneras. Me da un sentido de propósito, así que, en esa posición, la medicina siempre me pareció el lugar para perseguir esa pasión, ayudar a las personas.


Lea nuestras últimas noticias de la compañía o noticias médicas generales. Siéntase libre de hacer preguntas en los comentarios sobre cualquier noticia que encuentre interesante.

Lo que dice nuestros pacientes



I have been to the clinic several times and have had excellent service, communication and advice. They helped me navigate the local hospital system by scheduling appoitnments for me and directing me to the best specialists in the area. Both doctors listened to me and understood the issues I was having and helped me to find a solution to them in an expedient manner. Highly recommend!


Dr. Andrea and her clinic have treated my family for six years. She is so beautiful, one of the most compassionate, comprehensive physicians I’ve ever known. Thank you all for giving us a fighting hope against Luekemia. So grateful. From diagnosis to therapy.

My name is Mo Haneef. In Sept of 2017, I had a very serious accident and was hospitalized for 19 days.
During those days Dr Andrea visited me on the Third day, oh what a beautiful surprise it was to see this caring Doc.She came into my room and told me when you are discharged come to Beach Side Clinic.
I was happy to see Dr Andrea and happy for the message she delivered.I came out of the CIMA on Oct 2 , 2017
in a wheel chair and was taken home.
My first visit to Beach side Clinic ,was 4 days later. On my arrival to the clinic Dr Andrea and her staff was very attentive and caring. I suffered 3 rd degrees burns on both legs and both hands.
The duration of my visits lasted 8 months , every time I visited Beachside Clinic, a picture was taken and sent to Dr Andrea. When Dr Andrea is in beach side clinic , her presence is known by her beautiful smile,. she would ask many questions to the nurses and my self on my progress also an update would be given.
Beach side clinic is a very caring facility with Doctors , Nurses , Lab Techs etc
The duration of rehab at Beach side clinic was free.
Thank you, Dr Andrea.
Thank you beach side staffMuch love,
Mo Haneef

Simply the best!  There is nothing more comforting than knowing that the health of yourself and your family is in great hands and that is what Dr. Andrea and the Beach Side Clinic have done for us.  I sleep better at night knowing that she is there for us whenever we need her.  The Beach Side Clinic has brought peace of mind to everyone in our area, thank you!

What do our smallest patient say?


Dr Andrea and the Beachside Clinic are a godsend!  Being in a remote area in Costa Rica :flag-cr: we are so lucky to have an amazing doctor, who did her internship at Boston Mass General and speaks English. On several occasions my son got hurt and someone on the beach recommended Dr Andrea. This last accident was very serious. I called Dr Andrea and the Beachside Clinic and they were ready for us when we arrived. My son was going into severe shock   Dr Oscar was working that day and Dr Andrea came in. They did an amazing job of stabilizing my son. They administered preventative care by giving my son antibiotics and a tetanus shot. They took X-rays and arranged for an ambulance to the Liberia airport, a med-vac plane, another ambulance in San Jose to take us to Hospital Biblica. When we arrived the surgeon was ready. The Dr in San Jose repeatedly stated what a great job Dr Oscar and Dr Andrea did and how much it helped my son to have the best outcome possible We love our doctors in Costa Rica :flag-cr:


24/7 Real y Bilingüe | Su Salud Primero
Siempre hay un médico y una enfermera disponible en la clínica. Todo el personal que atiende a los pacientes habla fluido español e ingles. Primero atendemos y nos aseguramos que este bien nuestro paciente, antes de cobrar.

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